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ГУ-84БTETRODE The GU-84B tetrode is used for power amplification in traveling-wave and single-sideband signal amplifier circuits and as power amplifiers in RF equipment. GENERAL Cathode: indirectly heated, oxide-coated. Envelope: metal ceramic. Cooling: forced air. Height: at most 112 mm. Diameter: at most 99 mm. Mass: at most 1.3 kg. OPERATING ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS Vibration loads: frequencies, Hz ........... 1-80 acceleration, m/s2 ................ 49 Multiple impacts with acceleration, m/s2 ............. 147 Ambient temperature, °С ................. -10to+70 Relative humidity at up to +35 °C,% .................... 98 BASIC DATA Electrical Parameters Heater voltage, V ........... 27 Heater current, A ............. 3.4-4.0 Negative bias voltage (at anode voltage 750 V, grid 2 voltage 375 V, anode current 2000 mA), absolute value, V ........ 10-50 Grid 1 cutoff voltage (at anode voltage 2000 V, grid 2 voltage 375 V, anode current 20 mA, anode resistance 0.5 k), absolute value, V, at most ............. 150 Zero anode current (at anode voltage 250 V, grid 2 voltage 375 V, grid 1 voltage 0), A ........ >3.5-6 Grid 1 reverse current (at anode voltage 1000 V, grid 2 voltage 375 V, anode current 2000 mA) mА, at most ........ 80 Grid 2 current (at anode voltage 750 V, grid 2 voltage 375 V, anode current 2000 mA), mA ............ -25 to +60 Mutual conductance (at anode voltage 750 V, grid 2 voltage 375 V, anode current 2000 mA), mA/V ............... 44-72 Output power under conditions of class AB, at frequencies 0.1-1 MHz (at anode voltage 2000 =EN>V, grid 2 voltage 375 V, grid 2 current at least 80 mA, absolute value), kW, at least ............... 1.5 Output power under conditions of class Вat frequency 250 MHz (at anode voltage 2000 V, grid 2 voltage 375 V, anode current 1500 mA, grid 2 current at least 60mA, grid 1 current at most 4mA), kW, at most ............. 1.2 Interelectrode capacitance, pF: input ................ 90-115 output .................. 18-23 transfer, at most ................... 0.2 Limit Operating Values Heater voltage (AC or DC), V ................ 25.6-28.4 Anode voltage, kV: DC .................. 2.2 instantaneous value ................. 4.25 Grid voltage (DC) V ............... 400 Negative grid 1 voltage (DC), absolute value,V ............... 150 Inputvoltage (amplitude value), V ................ 150 Cathode-heater voltage (either polarity, absolute value), V ................ 100 Cathode current, A: DC component ............. 2 instantaneous value ............. 6 «« вернуться в раздел Электронные лампы |
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